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About us


Creating A Sustainable Pipeline Of Talented Technicians

Rev up your aspirations and join the automotive revolution! At MyNexTek, we're more than just a gateway to great opportunities. We're your personal pit crew, propelling you toward a future filled with endless possibilities. From scholarships that fuel your education to job placements that ignite your career, we're here to empower and support you every step of the way. Get ready to accelerate into a thrilling automotive journey like no other. Let's make your dreams burn rubber and leave a lasting mark on the industry!

Take the first step towards unlocking incredible opportunities in the automotive industry by creating your personalized profile with MyNexTek. Start your journey today.

Explore our extensive database of job vacancies in the automotive industry and discover exciting opportunities tailored to your skills and aspirations.

Seamlessly apply for automotive jobs that match your qualifications and interests, taking the first step towards a rewarding career in the industry.

Message from the Founder: Empowering the Next Generation of Automotive Technicians

With nearly three decades of experience in the automotive industry, I understand the challenges aspiring technicians face when starting their careers. From the daunting costs of tools and equipment to the struggle of breaking into the business, it’s no easy feat. That’s why it has been my lifelong passion to support and guide young men and women in reaching their goals as automotive technicians.

There is a strong demand for talented individuals like you in today’s industry. Dealerships and independent shops are eager to invest in the future by offering various forms of support, including training programs, scholarships, ASE certifications, tool payments, and even student loan reimbursements. They recognize the value of skilled and dedicated technicians joining their teams and need you now more than ever.

At our core, we are committed to connecting you with these incredible opportunities and helping you thrive in the automotive field. Together, let’s fuel your passion, overcome obstacles, and pave the way for a successful and fulfilling career as an automotive technician.

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